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What is good leadership?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • A good leader is someone who presents exciting goals to team members and persuades them to work together to achieve those goals.
  • President Kennedy's goal of landing on the moon and Shackleton's story of crossing the Antarctic show how much a great goal can influence people.
  • If team members empathize with and are persuaded by the goal, the leader can lead them toward a single goal without any separate monitoring or instructions.

What does a good leader look like?

What do you think a good leader looks like, Woollim?

During a one-on-one meeting, the PM asked me a question.

Hearing this question, I thought of many leaders I have experienced.
A leader who inspires trust in the team with clear decision-making,
A leader who makes me focus only on my work with management skills, etc.

But those aspects seemed to be not the essence of leadership.
Because a leader is someone who sets goals for the team and makes them walk the same path.

After a long deliberation, I answered like this.
"A leader who sets goals that excite team members and persuades them to follow."

Leadership of President Kennedy

One day, President Kennedy of the United States visited NASA.
President Kennedy visited NASA and asked a janitor who was holding a broom.
"What are you doing now?"
The janitor answered President Kennedy like this.
"Mr. President, I am helping to send humanity to the moon."

President Kennedy's goal of sending humanity to the moon.
The janitor's heart was pounding with that goal, and his work was no longer a trivial cleaning.

The persuasive and exciting goals presented by the leader make the work of team members great.
And that's leadership.

Great goals make you risk your life

Ernest Shackleton, a British explorer, dreamed of the great goal of crossing Antarctica.
And he posted a recruitment ad in the newspaper to find people to achieve this goal together.

Difficult, low pay, extreme cold, months of darkness, continuous dangers, and no guarantee of safe return. You will be rewarded with glory and honor if you succeed.

Ernest Shackleton, 4 Burlington Street

Can you recruit people with such a frank recruitment ad?
Did Shackleton think he could recruit people with such a frank ad?

But 5,000 people were attracted to this perilous recruitment ad.
The competition rate for those who applied to cross Antarctica, where they had to risk their lives, reached a whopping 197:1.

A great goal, persuasively presented,
That is, great leadership makes people sacrifice their lives.

And this story is similar to the image of startups that are still striving to change the world,
It's similar to the image of us who are dedicating our only lives to a great goal.

Thinking it over

A leader is someone who sets goals for the team and makes them walk the same path.
How can you make all your team members walk the same path?

Should you monitor every move and give instructions and nag?
Or should you make all the decisions yourself and have your team members just execute them?

A leader must present a great goal.
Like Shackleton, you have to present a great goal that you can give up your life for.

If the team members all agree with this goal and are persuaded,
No matter what, team members will all walk the same path.

Like the janitor working at NASA

"Mr. President, I am helping to send humanity to the moon."

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